if you could change the way things are.

Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan - Keyakinan wujudnya Tuhan sebagai pencipta alam dan mematuhi segala suruhanNya berlandaskan pegangan agama masing-masing selaras dengan prinsip Rukun Negara.

Amanah - Sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan ....and the list goes on and on.


Moral results to you having brain cancer...

...terminal, permanent or what'sityoucallit

Cows aren't meant to sit and memorize 16 moral nilai's. They're supposed to be eating grass for pete's sake!


screw ittt! Screw Math too while I'm at it.

I wish'

[Consider this a post, peeeooooopppllllleeee! I updated!]

Longer post to come after exams?